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This year has been fierce. Prophetic Encouragement + Insight

I sat with the Holy Spirit to put together everything I've been hearing and to give language to everything I've endured along with the body of Christ this year. I pray it blesses you and ministers as it did for me.

-Love Liv

This season has been fierce and has not come without a fight. God has been reconstructing, re-molding and healing his people but the uprooting has felt like a cruel punishment to some who have not shifted their perspective on how our Father chooses to perfect us even if it gets a bit messy with dirt and roots all over the place. He has been preparing us as the enemy has been contending against us.

There has been massive shaking to remove anything shakable. It has been warranted and without reproach. We are to become like a spotless bride without blemish or wrinkles. Many have experienced What felt like stripping or dying to self and their own strength in exchange for God enforced provision.

He says I need you to sit in the pause to assess what I’ve done. Not just what I gave you but the work I’ve done in you. I’ve had to pour you out so I can pour me in. I didn’t need you to be so full of yourself I need you to be full of me. I need you to see the work I started and am finishing continually. I need you to not resent the process but embrace the equipping that I have been preparing you for. You didn’t take a loss but you did receive my favor. I met you at every intersection, my will, my bill. If I put you on this journey then I’m going to fund it. It may not have been what you wanted but I gave you what you needed. I need your heart posture to be positioned toward faithfulness.

As repentance has gone forth many have been promoted and elevated but unaware because circumstantially nothing had seemed to have changed yet. But this is what I hear God saying, My promises are still yes and Amen. Don’t be like those he removed from the wilderness to usher into a promised land but wanted to go back because it did not look as they expected. Come into the awareness of my hand, grace, favor and presence. I am securing you in your identity so you know the mark you are to hit when I send you out. I am establishing you in me first so you can’t go back where you came from. I am undergirding you in my power so you understand where your help comes from. You are not where you were.

You are getting ready to see what I am building in you but I need you to surrender. I know it feels like you lost everything already but I need you to give me all you’ve got.

Long awaited promises are being dispersed. Promises you dropped, promises you don’t feel qualified for. I am moving you from the back to the front but don’t be haughty to your neighbor. Chaos is coming but I’m positioning you as a solution. You will take on responsibilities that only I could have given you the language and knowledge for. Many of you will partner up and collaborate because you will take more ground. I’m calling you to occupy your territory. I am positioning you in the marketplace because there is a harvest I need to collect that is not in the confinements of your temples. I am tearing down what is not established in me and my spirit like a wrecking ball.

Tyrants will pursue but victory is yours. Refreshing is here and you are the revival that I am sending. Get ready for the wave it shall come and overtake. I am the Father of lights so you shall be a light, you shall be a fire that can be seen from far away. Gifts of healing are being activated as you continue to pursue my presence. As you position yourself to truly carry out my will you will see many of the desires you had in your heart were always from me.

Stay postured, stay in alignment, stay faithful

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