I help ignite my clients by building their clarity, confidence and faith which in turns allows them to be more effective in creating with confidence and using gifts that have been dormant and buried. I believe many are frustrated with circumstances in their life because they need to cast their net to the other side or they are simply not operating in God given assignments. Many have endured issues that God allowed them to overcome and what was once pain is now stirring in them to become purpose. So let's get to work, there are people waiting on you to step into a calling that has been longing for you to embrace it.
love liv

The Full Story...
In 2016 God began telling me He had more for me, so in 2017 when I got laid off from my corporate job it was no surprise with the exception that I had nothing else lined up.
I had been doing freelance design work since 2013 but never thought it was an option to work for myself until that was the only option left. I started off designing websites, brand kits and crappy flyers but over time became a pro.
When the money was not coming in enough I lost everything except my car that was months behind. I moved in with my parents and worked 10-14 hours per day in my car or co-working spaces.
As I acquired more clients they began to put a greater demand on my hidden gifts and talents such as creative directing/production and coaching them in digital strategies, building a more confident brand online, pulling out underutilized gifts and value and teaching them how to do it creatively. In the process of all that I found myself ministering to many of those clients who lacked faith in their ability step out of their comfort zone, tell more stories and create a greater impact.
Today I am able to watch my client apply the tools and information I taught them to build, create, pivot and get stored up with confidence to walk out the vision.
"Success starts when you began measuring where you are right now and what you have right now so that God can mold you for where you're supposed to go."
My Biz Commitments
I am committed to you understanding how very important you and the gifts God uniquely gave you are.
I am committed to helping my clients understand how its a privilege to serve others with their skills, knowledge or testimonies.
I am committed to helping my clients build the confidence and faith to build brands online that teach and edify others,
I am committed to encouraging my clients to step out of their comfort zone and embrace their greatness.