You are in the right
place if you feel...
Like Comparison and Self-Sabotage Has Gripped You With Fear
Overwhelmed with ideas but struggle with focus and the creative flow
Your confidence has dismantled your ability to produce with authority
You need accountability and the space to affirm and amplify you as a solution by creating digital assets and programing for your audience.
Are lost on where to start creating webinars, podcast, ebooks etc and already have a digital presence of some sort but inconsistent.
Never feel like you aren't the best you again.
Because mind battles, overwhelm and frustrations are stoping your flow to amplify your voice as an authority,

It Gives You Confidence, Clarity and Accountability to Reach your Creative Goals
+ Getting out of your comfort zone and making an impact in the lives of those who need your obedience to walk in their own.
+ Relieving yourself from the frustrations of your " I should have" "I'm going to do this" and never having the confidence or knowledge to execute.
+Understanding why you are a solution and why your message and movement is a great value and is immensely needed.
+Being ignited in faith, clarity, confidence and creativity to serve your audience better.
+No longer comparing your gifts with anyone else's and beating your insecurities of creating
+No longer going blindly into navigating your digital business without a content strategy, or resources to create e-books, courses, podcast, video series and even drop shipping stores that help teach, cultivate and share your expertise.

Do the work to overcome perceived
obstacles that stop you from emerging into an amplified voice.
If you thought you were on an island alone because you are full
of brilliant ideas and wisdom that would unlock solutions for others, but can not break completely through with consistency ... you are in the right place.
I know first hand how that feels. I too had to overcome mind battles such as comparison, self-sabotage, overwhelm of breaking free from being muted, frustration of not knowing that my gifts would truly make room for me and that my testimony would be the foundation of their significance.
I had to fight the Christian girl passivity that was masked as humility, only to find being humble requires me to show up and take up the capacity of space I've been give and not too little.
I believe there are people who need you and you are literally at the door but need that extra push to cross over with clarity, confidence and a creative flow.
Focus on creating change in your business as a Kingdom influencer unstoppable confidence, as quickly as possible. We'll work together on a one-on-one basis, making sure we're 100% focused on your specific goals and needs in life in your digital business. This is the best way to get what you want out of coaching, without getting off track.